This stage takes place with the spring beginning, when the elaboration process of Encina Don Alberto Iberian ham continues in our natural dryers which windows are opened to the Sierra de Huelva cold air. During a period of four to six months, the hams are slowly dehydrating in the environmental temperature and half-light controlled in a natural way without sudden changes.

With the summer smooth heat in the Natural Park Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, the streams appear when the fats of the superficial adipose tissue melt and the hams begin the exudation. This stage is one of most important, where the unique climate of the Natural Park of Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, where is located Jabugo, is crucial since the temperature of the pieces should have to progressive and gradually increase, and the size of the piece may decrease even a 33%.
The fat stream during the summer mornings will be followed by a cooling during the fresh nights of the Sierra de Huelva, when for all the streets of all the small towns on the Jabugo’s environment, begins to be perceived the pleasant unmistakable aroma of the Jabugo’s Iberian ham.