Información sobre Cambios y Devoluciones

To manage a change or return of the most rapid and with effective form, we suggest him to read the following information and to notify the incidence following the form that appears further down.


Remember that Holm oak of Jabugo accepts all the changes or returns of the amount “without questions”, any time the products are in the terms established in the guarantee, which are the following ones:

  • Not to have consumed any more than 15 % of the original weight of the product. There will not be accepted returns of products that have been consumed in any more than 15 % of the original weight.
  • Maximum term of 15 days. You have a term of 15 days, starting from the reception of the order, to notify the incidence.


  1. Notify the request of change or return across the brief form that appears further down.
  2. As soon as we receive the notification, we will contact you to inform you of the steps to resolve the incident based on its nature.
  • Change for another piece. If you request the change option, our technician will inspect the returned product and we will send you the new one, following the instructions that you should have indicated us in the comments of the form (more tender, more cured, with more or less greasy, etc. …).
    The weight of the new piece that is sent you will be equal or superior to the weight received from the returned article.
  • Return of the amount. If you wish the return of the amount, one will pay the money corresponding to the returned product, or the proportional part of the received weight, in the case that has been consumed partially.

Incident Form:

    Name of the holder of the order:


    Contact Phone:

    Reference of the order:

    Product objected of the claim:



    Change for other of my tasteReturn of the amountOther … (Describe in the isolated comment)